Here’s Exactly what to do if you Accidentally put plastic in Dishwasher

Here's Exactly what to do if you accidentally put plastic in dishwasher

Dinner’s done, the table is cleared, and now, it’s time to clear up the dishes. You load up the dishwasher, hit start, and take a well-deserved break.

Only when you return to unload do you realize: You’ve accidentally put plastic in the dishwasher. But don’t fret! We’ve got just the guide to help out.

What Happens if you accidentally put plastic in dishwasher?

Alright, let’s get real for a moment.

We’ve all been there – you’re in a rush to clean up after dinner, you toss your plastic container in the dishwasher without a second thought and hit start.

But then, disaster strikes! You hear strange noises coming from the machine, a weird smell fills the air, and when you open the dishwasher door, you find a melted mess of plastic all over your dishes. Not a pretty sight, right?

So, what exactly happened? Well, let’s just say it’s not pretty.

Plastic items can melt, warp, and even fuse to your dishwasher’s heating element or other parts of the machine. It’s like a bad science experiment gone wrong!

And the aftermath is not much better.

When plastic melts or warps in the dishwasher, it can leave behind a bad residue that can cling to your dishes and utensils, making them smell and taste like burnt plastic. Trust us, nobody wants to eat off a plastic-infused plate.

But it’s not just about the smell and taste. When plastic is heated to high temperatures, it can release harmful chemicals into the air and onto your dishes, which can be a serious health hazard over time. Yikes!

So, what’s the solution?

Well, first and foremost, even though there are plastics that work well in the dishwasher, you might want to avoid putting them in the dishwasher altogether.

Rather, stick to materials like glass, ceramic, and stainless steel, which are dishwasher-safe and won’t pose any risks to your machine or your health.

But if you absolutely must wash your plastic items in the dishwasher, make sure they are labeled as dishwasher-safe and are placed on the top rack, away from the heating element. You should also learn to tell which plastics are dishwashers safe.

And for the love of all that is holy, please use a gentle, eco-friendly detergent that won’t damage your plastic items or leave behind any harmful residue.

What to do when you Accidentally put plastic in Dishwasher

Dishwasher mishaps happen to the best of us.

So, what do you do now, if you’ve gotten your plastic in the dishwasher without proper checks?

Well, the first step is to take a deep breath and don’t panic.

Next, turn off your dishwasher and unplug it.

Safety is key, and you don’t want to risk any further damage to your machine or yourself.

Once you’ve done that, get rid of any remaining plastic bits. Put on some gloves and grab a soft cloth or sponge. Be gentle and take your time to remove the plastic, being careful not to scratch the machine’s interior.

Now, for the funky smell…

Burnt plastic is not exactly the scent you want wafting through your kitchen. So it’s important you get rid of it.

To do this, fill a bowl with white vinegar and place it in the bottom of your dishwasher. Run a hot cycle with no dishes inside, and let the vinegar do its magic. Vinegar is a natural deodorizer and will help neutralize any lingering odors.

If the smell persists, you can also try adding some baking soda to the vinegar and running another cycle. Baking soda is a multi-purpose cleaner and deodorizer, so it will help eliminate any stubborn smells.

Or to avoid all these organics, get an air freshener.

And last but not least, to avoid any future plastic mishaps, always double-check before loading up your dishwasher.

Stick to materials that are labeled as dishwasher-safe, like glass, ceramic, and stainless steel. Your machine will thank you, and you’ll avoid any more plastic-related disasters.

Final thoughts

Accidents happen, and plastic items can end up in your dishwasher. But, as we’ve outlined, there’s no need for alarm.

Follow the steps in this guide, and you’ll be able to handle this situation easily and safely. So, the next time your dishwasher springs a surprise on you, you’ll know exactly how to respond

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