How to Season Le Creuset Cast Iron Skillet

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While Le Creuset cast iron skillets come pre-seasoned from the factory, that doesn’t mean you never have to season it again.

The seasoning on your skillet isn’t a one-time thing; it’s an ongoing process that builds up over time, and it’s what gives your skillet its non-stick properties and your food its flavor.

In this article, we’ll cover in detail how to season a Le Creuset Cast Iron properly.

When do you need to season a le Creuset Cast Iron Skillet?

If you have a Le Creuset cast iron skillet, you’ve got a great piece of cookware. But to get the best out of it, you need to season it right. But then, just when is the right time?

The easiest answer is: you’ll know.

When your skillet is well-seasoned, your food should slide off it easily after cooking. If you start to notice food sticking to the skillet or if it seems to have lost its shiny, black sheen and looks dull or rusty, those are signs that it’s time for a re-seasoning.

Another clue could be if your food starts to have a metallic taste. A well-seasoned cast iron skillet should impart no metallic taste to your food. If you’re picking up those notes, that’s another sign that it’s time to re-season your skillet.

In terms of time intervals, there’s no hard and fast rule as it really depends on how often you use your skillet and what you cook on it. Some people may find they need to season their skillet every few months, while others might go a year or more without needing to re-season.

Don’t worry though; seasoning your skillet isn’t a difficult task, and it’s definitely worth the effort. Properly maintained, your Le Creuset cast iron skillet could last a lifetime, becoming a beloved tool in your kitchen.

How to Season Le Creuset Cast Iron Skillet

Seasoning Enameled Cast Iron TIps from Cook Culture

1. Preparation

Before you get started with the seasoning process, it’s important to gather all the necessary supplies. This will make the process smoother and more efficient. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Warm water
  • Mild dish soap
  • A non-abrasive sponge or brush
  • A towel for drying
  • Cooking oil (preferably vegetable or canola oil)

2. Cleaning

Cleaning your Le Creuset cast iron skillet before seasoning ensure there’s no food residue or other material that might interfere with the seasoning process. Here’s how to clean it:

  1. Rinse the skillet: Use warm water to rinse both the inside and the outside of your skillet.
  2. Clean with soap: Apply a bit of mild dish soap and use a non-abrasive sponge or brush to scrub away any remaining food or grease. Be gentle to avoid stripping the existing seasoning.
  3. Rinse and dry: Rinse off the soap and dry your skillet promptly and thoroughly. Cast iron is susceptible to rust, so ensure it’s completely dry before proceeding. For an extra assurance, you can place it on a low heat on your stove for a few minutes to evaporate any lingering moisture.

3. Seasoning

After your skillet is clean and dry, it’s time to season it. This process will help create a natural non-stick surface and protect your skillet from rusting. Here’s how:

  1. Apply oil: Apply a thin, even layer of cooking oil to the inside of your skillet. A little goes a long way, so there’s no need to use too much.
  2. Heat in oven: Place your oiled skillet upside down in a preheated oven at around 375°F (190°C) for about an hour. To catch any excess oil, place a baking sheet or a piece of aluminum foil on the rack below your skillet.
  3. Cool and store: After the hour is up, turn off your oven but leave the skillet inside to cool down slowly. Once it’s cool, remove it from the oven and voila, your skillet is now seasoned.

Importance of Seasoning Cookwares

Seasoning isn’t just a chore you have to do when you buy new cookware; it’s an essential step that holds real benefits for your cooking and the longevity of your pots and pans.

Let’s start with the most apparent benefit – non-stick properties.

A well-seasoned skillet or pot naturally resists food sticking to its surface. This makes cooking easier, especially for delicate dishes like pancakes or fish. It also makes the cleanup process much more manageable.

Related: Can You Use Metal on Le Creuset?

There’s nothing worse than having to scrub away burnt-on food, right? A seasoned skillet will often just need a wipe with a paper towel or a quick wash with warm water.

Next, flavour.

Yes, seasoning your cookware can actually improve the taste of your food! How does this happen?

The oils used in the seasoning process polymerize (or harden) when heated, creating a layer that can add depth and character to the flavors in your dishes. It’s like your cookware has its own unique flavor signature that develops and matures over time, similar to aging wine or cheese.

Lastly, Cast iron, in particular, is prone to rust when exposed to water or moisture. Seasoning creates a protective layer that shields the metal from the air, reducing the risk of rusting and corrosion.

You may also want to know that a well-seasoned pan will look great in your kitchen. It has a shiny, glossy appearance that is visually pleasing and signifies a well-maintained piece of cookware.


Seasoning your Le Creuset cast iron skillet is not just a recommended step; it should be an important part of your curlinary process. A well-seasoned skillet offers more than just a cooking surface—it provides flavor, eases cleaning, and offers protection against rust.

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